2016(e)ko otsailaren 25(a), osteguna



Resultado de imagen de war

In my opinion war is not the way for working ot the problems. The best way is to agree all and make important people (those who have money, so they have power) concern about something else than just them. However, the problem is that we all don't think the same way, and we will never do.

War is supposed to bring happiness and a better life after solving the problenm. But it only gives it to the winning side, the other one was bad at first, and then it got worse. I'm saying that the situation at first was bad because of the conflict between two sides, then they decided to use the war to solve it and in the end one of the sides wins (in spite of all the losses during the war) and the other side loses all it's power.

I think that all of us should look for everyones happiness, despite some won't never do it, and war will never give us what we want, a great world for all of us. We all are humans and we all have the right to be happy.

And not only war is bad for humans, but also we are destroying the nature around us. Humans aren't the only living beings on this planet. We are destroying all the jungles and forests, so we're destroying animals and plants habitats, and most of them provide things that are important with our lives, if we didn't have them we would not ber where we are.

We just have to make everyone realize what we're doing to our planet.

iruzkinik ez:

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