2016(e)ko maiatzaren 2(a), astelehena



I am Alvaro Del Castillo and the part I'm in charge of is the activity. What I've prepared is an amazing and tongue twisting quiz about languages in the European Union. What the students will have to do is to read the motto of the European Union and try to guess what language is each one. There are complex phrases so it won't be straightforward. We prepared a poster, a table and the photocopies and while the other students went to the playground we asked them to take part in the competition; we came out to leave without no copies left.

The ones who helped me were my mates Oihane and Aitor and our teacher Xabier. The main  problems that I had to face were the fact that it had to be a suitable activity and easy to develop, so it wasn't easy to come up with a good idea; and it also had to be easy to promote in all the school. I wouldn't have got it without their help.

Soy Alvaro Del Castillo y la parte de la que yo estoy a cargo es la actividad. Lo que yo he preparado es un increíble concurso sobre las lenguas en la Unión Europea. Lo que los estudiantes tendrán que hacer es leer el lema de la Unión Europea y tratar de adivinar qué idioma es cada uno. Hay frases complejas, de modo que no será sencillo. Preparamos un poster, una mesa y las fotocopias y mientras el resto de estudiantes iban al patio, les pedíamos que partciparan en la competición; terminamos sin fotocopias.

Los que me ayudaron fueron mis compañeros de Oihane y Aitor y nuestro profesor Xabier. Los principales problemas que he tenido que hacer frente fueron el hecho de que tenía que ser una actividad adecuada y fácil de desarrollar, por lo que no fue fácil pensar en una buena idea; y también tenía que ser fácil de promover en toda la escuela. Yo no lo habría conseguido sin su ayuda.

Ni Alvaro Del Castillo n aiz eta nire ardurapean dagoen zatia ekintza da. Nik prestatu dudana galdera sorta batzuk dira Europar Batasuneko hizkuntzei buruz. Ikasleek EB-ko leloa hizkuntza ezberdinetan irakurriko dute eta asmatu behar izango dute zein hizkuntza den zein. Hizkuntza batzuk oso konplexuak dira, beraz, ez da erraza izango. Poster bat, mahai bat eta fotokopiak prestatu genituen eta gainerako ikasleak patiora zihoazenean, parte hartzeko eskatu genien; fotokopia barik amaitu genuen.

Laguntza eskeini zidaten pertsonak Aitor eta Oihane izan ziren, nire ikaskideak, eta gure irakaslea Xabier. Sortu zitzaizklidan arazoak hauek izan ziren: ekintza egokia eta erraza egiteko, beraz, ez zen erraza izan ideia bat bururatzea; gainera, ikastola osoan sustatu beharko genuen. Beraien laguntzarik gabe ez nuke lortuko.


This second activity I'm dealing with is a little research of the school's playground daily rubbish amount. We'll be counting the amount and the type of rubbish in 8 different areas of the playground for some days and we'll see how it evolves.

What we want to do with this is to concern every student about the big amount of rubbish is thrown away everyday, make them think about recycling before doing that and to reduce the amount of rubbish.
We didn't find any obstacle on our way, it all went straightforward. The whole class took part and we successfully achieved our goal.

Esta segunda actividad que estoy llevando a cabo es una pequeña investigacion sobre la cantidad de basura diaria que se tira en el patio de nuestro colegio. Contaremos la cantidad y el tipo de basura en 8 areas diferentes del pato durante varios dias y veremos como evoluciona.

Lo que queremos hacer es que todos los estudiantes se den cuenta de la gran cantidad de basura que tiran todos los dias, y hacerles pensar en reciclar antes de hacer eso y reducir la cantidad de basura.

No hubo ningún obstáculo en nuestro camino y todo fue fácil. Participó toda la clase y lo logramos exitósamente.

Bigarren ekintza hau ikerketa txiki bat da, eskolako patioko egunerkoko zakar kopuruari buruzkoa. Zakar kopurua eta mota zenbatuko dugu 8 gune desberdinetan egun batzuetan zehar eta ikusiko dugo nola garatzen den.

Gure xedea da ikasle guztiak konturatzea egunerko zakar kopurua zenbatekoa den eta birziklatzeari buruz pentsatzea hori egin baino lehen, horrela, zakar kopurua murriztuko dugu.

Dena oso erraza izan zen eta ez genuen oztoporik aurkitu. Klase osoak parte hartu zuen eta gure helburua lortu genuen.


 After some days of researching we had to put an end to it, due to the fact that exams were getting closer and closer. There were some some details that we had to keep in mind, for example, that on fridays the cleaners made a general-cleaning of the school and that in those days there was less rubbish in the playground. During the other days of the week only the inside of the school was cleaned.

This activity came in handy when it comes to looking to the next year. In the next school year, other students will be taking care of this research to see what results we come up with. What we hope is that the amount of rubbish next year dicreases in the %30. Although it was a tough task, we have made our best in order to make our younger students aware of their impact.

Después de unos días de investigación le tuvimos que poner fin, dado que los exámenes se estaban acercando. Había unos detalles que teníamos que tener en cuenta, por ejemplo, que los viernes las limpiadoras hacen la limpieza general del colegio, incluyendo el patio, y que ese día había menos basura en el suelo. Durante los otros días solo era limpiado el interior del colegio.

Esta actividad será muy útil para el próximo año. El año que viene, otros estudiantes seguirán con la investigación y verán que resultados ha tenido nuestro trabajo. Lo que nosotros esperamos es que la cantidad de basura disminuya al menos en un %30. Aunque era un trabajo difícil, hemos hecho lo mejor que hemos podido para que los estudiantes tengan en cuenta su influencia.

Zenbait ikerketa egin ondoren, amaitu behar izan genuen azterketak gerturatzen ari zirelako. Zenbait xehetasun zeuden kontuan hartu behar izan genituenak, adibidez, ostiraleetan garbitzaileek garbiketa orokorra egiten dutela eta horrexegatik patioan zakar gutxiago dagoela egun horietan. Gainerako egunetan institutuko barnekaldea besterik ez zuten garbitzen.

Ekintza hau oso erabilgarria izango da datorren urtera begira. Hurrengo urtean, beste ikasle batzuk ikerketarekin jarraituko dute eta ikusiko dute zer ondorio izan duen gure lanak. Espero dugu zakar kantitatea gutxienez %30-ean jaistea. Nahiz eta egin dugun lana zaila izan den, ahal izan dugun onena egin dugu ikasleak beraien influentziaz konturatzea.


For this activity we asked a 1 DBH class to come with us to play some games related to this theme; we thought that since they were still children, playing games would be the best way to get them interested. We made 4 groups, two of them would be playing tic-tac-toe and the other 2 would be doing the languages quiz; and then, they would change. The tic-tac-toe wasn't the common one; we put some hoops on the floor some meters away from the start line, children would be asked some questions about the environment and the one who guesses first would have to run and put a chest guard of their colour; and in the end one team would finish doing three in a row.

It was a really fun activity, every little student took part and the ones who went from our class were Oihane, Jonan and Jon.

Para esta actividad pedimos a una clase de primero de DBH que vinieran con nosotros para jugar a unos juegos relacionados con este tema; pensamos que como eran niños, jugar a juegos seria la mejor manera de que se interesen. Hicimos 4 grupos, dos de ellos jugaria a tres en raya y los otros harian el concurso de los idiomas; y despues cambiarian. El tres en raya no era el ttipico tres en raya; primero pusimos unos aros en el suelo lejos de la linea de salida, a los niños les preguntabamos unas preguntas sobre el medio ambiente y el equipo que acertaba salia corriendo y ponia un petio en los aros; al final un equipo termino haciendo tres en raya.

Fue una actividad muy divertida, todos los niños participaron y los que fueron de nuestra clase fueron Oihane, Jonan y Jon.

Ekintza hontyarako eskatu genion DBH-ko klase bati gurekin etortzeko gai honekin zerikusia zuten joku batzuetara jolastera; pentsatu genuen humeak zirenez jolasak egitea hoberena zela haien interesa lortzeko. 4 talde egin genituen, bi talde tic-tac-toe jolastukon zuten eta bewsteak hizkuntzen leihatekta egingo zuten. Tic-tac-toe jolasteko uztail betzuk jarri geniotuen lurrean taldeetatik urruti, Galdekte bat egin genien gazteei ingurumenari buruz, eta erantzuna esaten zuen taldea korrika jungo zen uztailetara eta peto bat jarriko zuten; azkenean talde batek hiru lerroan egingo zuten.

Oso ekintza dibertigarria izan zen

2016(e)ko apirilaren 6(a), asteazkena



Since the competition day is getting closer, everyone has got a work to do. In my case I'll be organising the activity, so not only will we be concerning the others about this massive problem, but also we'll do something against it with all the students taking part; because talking can not change anything.

Right now I don't feel really confident since is tough to come up with an activity which is fun and affordable and due to the fact that there's always someone who won't like the idea and doesn't give any other option instead of just complaining.

The teacher has given me some advice about a teacher in our school who put some plants (hortensia) and maybe he knows something about planting and a place which has enough space. We can also ask our biology teacher to help us.

I don't know if this is going to work but it looks as if it's begining to take shape.

2016(e)ko martxoaren 10(a), osteguna


If you click in the link I've left down below, a new webpage will pop up, where you will find useful information about the climate change and the project called "COP 21", in Paris. But it has a little problem, and it's the fact that it's in Spanish; sorry about that.


This second link will lead you to a Youtube video which talks about the economical cost of the climate change in Europe. This time, it's in English.


Here you have another video that will guide you in this current topic.


3rd TERM

Today we're entering the third term. It looks like it's going to be awesome, a climate change project, a super video, 500 euros... I'll be showing good interest and I hope I'll learn something more about how the climate is affecting Europe.

2016(e)ko otsailaren 25(a), osteguna



Resultado de imagen de war

In my opinion war is not the way for working ot the problems. The best way is to agree all and make important people (those who have money, so they have power) concern about something else than just them. However, the problem is that we all don't think the same way, and we will never do.

War is supposed to bring happiness and a better life after solving the problenm. But it only gives it to the winning side, the other one was bad at first, and then it got worse. I'm saying that the situation at first was bad because of the conflict between two sides, then they decided to use the war to solve it and in the end one of the sides wins (in spite of all the losses during the war) and the other side loses all it's power.

I think that all of us should look for everyones happiness, despite some won't never do it, and war will never give us what we want, a great world for all of us. We all are humans and we all have the right to be happy.

And not only war is bad for humans, but also we are destroying the nature around us. Humans aren't the only living beings on this planet. We are destroying all the jungles and forests, so we're destroying animals and plants habitats, and most of them provide things that are important with our lives, if we didn't have them we would not ber where we are.

We just have to make everyone realize what we're doing to our planet.

2016(e)ko urtarrilaren 28(a), osteguna



This piece of news was fond in BBC.com. I'll leave a link to a short but interesting video down below if you want to watch it.

The Zika virus is a virus which was first founded in monkeys in 1947 in the Zika forest, Uganda. The first infected registered human was dated in 1954, in Nigeria but for decades it did not appear to pose much of a threat to people and was largely ignored by the scientific community. 

It was only with an outbreak on the Micronesian island of Yap in 2007 that some researchers began to take an interest. In the past year the virus exploded, sweeping through the Caribbean and Latin America infecting probably a couple of million people.

Zika spread map

What we need to know is this:
  • Spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which also carries dengue fever and yellow fever.
  • Discovered in Africa in the 1940s but is now spreading in Latin America.
  • Scientists say there is growing evidence of a link to microcephaly, that leads to babies being born with small heads.
  • Can lead to fever and a rash but most people show no symptoms, and there is no known cure.
  • Only way to fight Zika is to clear stagnant water where mosquitoes breed, and protect against mosquito bites.